The third most populated country of subcontinent and eighth most of the world has some interesting dynamics attached to it. A developing country of 166,280,712.00 people with 40,800,000 internet users and about 25 percent internet penetration is definitely one of the most favoured breeding grounds for ecommerce trends and activities. And of course it has been the case. Also being a neighbour to the country with biggest IT industry, the spillover is more than natural.
Number of online marketplaces have started operating in the country seeing the potential of people. The conventional means of buying and selling are being abandoned in favour of the modern modes of transactions. Amidst all of this happenings, an online marketplace – Kaymu – has done an excellent job by compiling an in-depth report on the e commerce related activities in Bangladesh. Besides other valuable information, it has compiled the country’s demographical data with regard to e commerce. Here is what one finds out after reading the report.
Age Groups
Knowing what age groups and what kind of people visit the online shopping places, the respective companies can then in return focus more on these specific groups. In Bangladesh it appears that alongside much of the world, the Bengali youth is pretty much into the discovering this new modus operandi.

As evident from above data that the highest number of users fall into the age category of 25 to 35. And the percentage is overwhelmingly high – 60 percent. Other age groups follow the lead, the percentage decreases with increase in the age.
Gender Dynamics
Gender studies in the ecommerce sector also puts some interesting facts in front of us. Not that it surprises us that most of the visitors are male, yet in Bangladesh’s case, the difference is too high.

83 percent of the total traffic consists of male population – which is quite high if you compare it to any other neighbouring country. The remaining mere 17 percent comes from the female populace. So, clearly the usage and indulgence of e commerce is much more among men then their female counterparts.
However, the interesting thing about this study is that the conversion rate from both of these sections is almost similar. A number of ideas can be concluded from this fact. One that men visit these online forums either for information or just for the sake of fun. Or since they have access to the outer world more as compared to women, so, they buy stuff from outside. On the other hand, if women’s movement is somehow restricted then online shopping becomes her only way out.
Geographic Trends
As expected, Dhaka being the most populated and developed city of the country, it provides the largest traffic to the online forums. Chittagong and Ghazipur then follow the lead further followed by few others. Here is the graph showing their respective actual traffic.

Above data comes to show that products aiming at young male living in Dhaka will have the highest traction. Change the variables and you’ll get different results. For further detailed analysis, you can refer to the actual report.
Get the detailed research report on Kaymu's website
Number of online marketplaces have started operating in the country seeing the potential of people. The conventional means of buying and selling are being abandoned in favour of the modern modes of transactions. Amidst all of this happenings, an online marketplace – Kaymu – has done an excellent job by compiling an in-depth report on the e commerce related activities in Bangladesh. Besides other valuable information, it has compiled the country’s demographical data with regard to e commerce. Here is what one finds out after reading the report.
Age Groups
Knowing what age groups and what kind of people visit the online shopping places, the respective companies can then in return focus more on these specific groups. In Bangladesh it appears that alongside much of the world, the Bengali youth is pretty much into the discovering this new modus operandi.

As evident from above data that the highest number of users fall into the age category of 25 to 35. And the percentage is overwhelmingly high – 60 percent. Other age groups follow the lead, the percentage decreases with increase in the age.
Gender Dynamics
Gender studies in the ecommerce sector also puts some interesting facts in front of us. Not that it surprises us that most of the visitors are male, yet in Bangladesh’s case, the difference is too high.

83 percent of the total traffic consists of male population – which is quite high if you compare it to any other neighbouring country. The remaining mere 17 percent comes from the female populace. So, clearly the usage and indulgence of e commerce is much more among men then their female counterparts.
However, the interesting thing about this study is that the conversion rate from both of these sections is almost similar. A number of ideas can be concluded from this fact. One that men visit these online forums either for information or just for the sake of fun. Or since they have access to the outer world more as compared to women, so, they buy stuff from outside. On the other hand, if women’s movement is somehow restricted then online shopping becomes her only way out.
Geographic Trends
As expected, Dhaka being the most populated and developed city of the country, it provides the largest traffic to the online forums. Chittagong and Ghazipur then follow the lead further followed by few others. Here is the graph showing their respective actual traffic.

Above data comes to show that products aiming at young male living in Dhaka will have the highest traction. Change the variables and you’ll get different results. For further detailed analysis, you can refer to the actual report.
Get the detailed research report on Kaymu's website