Relation Between Games and Studies

This infographic explains the importance of games in the educational system. The question, whether the games should be brought in the classroom or not is worth asking primarily because gaming is associated most of the times with fun activities, and most parents are suspicious that whether games will be helpful in educational pursuits. The infographic answers this question by explaining the changing trends in the world. For instance, traditional ways of learning are no longer sufficient, and the impact of technology in our lives is gradually increasing. In today’s world, children are grown up with the constant awareness of technological gadgets, and they start playing game sat very early age, and this is exactly what makes them different from the older generations.

There are three primary reasons to bring games in the classroom: the first one is that the games are user-friendly and as kids love playing games, they will be able to learn a lot more by this method. The other more important reason is that children are more familiar with games than anything else in their early childhood. Therefore, instead of bombarding children with so many formal books – which will be horrendous for children – if we give them games which feature educational content, the learning rate of children will increase significantly.

Initially, it was believed that gaming is very dangerous for studies, and with the passage of time, and as more and more educational content was introduced in the games, most people now believe that gaming can be helpful for education as well. Whether this is the first group – which disagrees with the educational capacity of gaming – or the second – which agrees – both of them have no idea about how actually the process of learning via gaming helps us. For this matter, the infographic explains the research of a famous doctor Paul Howard Jones, who conducted some research on how games help children learn.

According to Paul, games help us in three different ways: the first and the most important thing is that games stimulate the brain to produce more and more dopamine, and as dopamine is connected to creativity and is responsible for making countless connections between neurons in our mind, it is considered a highly helpful thing. It is important to mention that “the memory of our brain works on the associate power of connections, therefore, more the associations, the stronger our memory,” says Kyle Ward, a senior game developer at Game Period. Thus, in turn, the stronger the connections, the more efficient will be the physical basis for learning.

Another thing that we get from games is the motivational level. We are always motivated to do things that we like, and if we don’t like anything, our motivation goes down to a minimum, and we perform worst in those situations. As children love playing games, their motivation in this activity is significantly higher than if they are reading a book. Therefore, many people want this motivation channelized in a positive way. This can be done by introducing educational content in games.

Relation Between Games and Studies

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