Component prices of iPhone X is $415

It's no secret that the iPhone X is one expensive phone to produce, but how much is Apple exactly paying? Chinese industry watchers have apparently investigated the matter, and have calculated the total cost of components present in Cupertino's latest phone. Apple announced the iPhone X with an exaggerated price of $999 on September 12. The sum is $412.75, or 60% cheaper than the retail price.

Unsurprisingly, the most expensive part of the iPhone X is the Samsung-made 5.8-inch Super Retina display. It’s price is $80 per unit. Other sources have suggested that the cost is even greater at $100-$120 per unit. The NAND memory, acquired from Toshiba is $45 for 256 GB. The 3 GB RAM is half - only $24. Aside from that, Apple's powerful new A11 Bionic chipset costs $26, while the Qualcomm modem that's built on top of it stands at $18. The 3D Face ID sensor is worth $25, while the front glass panel costs $18.

One might argue that a 59% profit margin is quite a respectable achievement. Well, that's not exactly the case. There are a bunch of extra expenses not included in here, such as logistics, manufacturing, the cost of producing the software, and most importantly Research and Development.

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